Friday, August 28, 2009


I am going to start blogging for two reasons. The first is that I keep hearing this message that if we share our own short-comings, failures and things that Satan is using to attack us or in some way keep us off-balance, then it takes away one of his tools...ISOLATION, because he loves to keep us isolated. And just as the abuser loves to keep his or her victim isolated from family and friends, I see Satan using the very same tactic. The second is to let you have a real glimpse into me...not just the me that everyone sees, but the inside Sharon, the one that God is constantly having to cleanse and carry. In this way, people will know for certain that God is THE REASON for me and that the very reason that I am here is because of His immeasurable love for us. My blogs will vary from random thoughts to daily events to "HEART AND SOUL" stuff.

Went to the park with Hope today. Saw quite a few dads there with their kids...made me think of Jim and how much he was looking forward to being with his son. Thought of JJ and had to turn my focus back to the moment...bury the reality of the past again and confront the reality of the now...JJ's journey into manhood without the much needed well-rounded influence of a Christian dad. JJ has "heart" and is becoming a wonderful man...but there are areas where he needs that "loving dad" example...

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